Casting agency

Looking for actors, actresses, models or hostesses? All in a few clicks!

In our database there are thousands of registered people and dozens of video productions, directors, photographers, advertising and event agencies, who are looking for people for their projects here.

LOOKING FOR PEOPLE? Write to us at or call + 420 736 427 252. We will find you reliable professionals for your project.

WANT TO ACT? Click on REGISTER and fill out a short form, it only takes 2 minutes, it's really simple :) Registration only for 299 CZK with lifetime membership.

Buy a lifetime membership HERE

Our clients

Bohemia Chips albi Trenýrká Dopravní podnik Praha UOL Správa železnic české dráhy NBC Brink´s Pepsi NHL Siemens Facebook Makro Hot peppers Praha Ryor Dinopark Bohemia Chips albi Trenýrká Dopravní podnik Praha UOL Správa železnic české dráhy NBC Brink´s Pepsi NHL Siemens Facebook Makro Hot peppers Praha Ryor Dinopark
camera References

Why register with us?

,,In a very quick time after signing up, I got my first offer to play in a hotel video, followed by other offers. I recommend registering. Working with the Markusfilm team is comfortable and I look forward to it. "

Petra, 35

"I didn't expect to get the role so quickly and easily. I registered in the database, applied for the casting, and the next day they wrote to me that I had been selected. Shooting a commercial on DR. the booster went well and I'm grateful for the cooperation."

Michal, 24

,,Hello, my name is Dáša, and thanks to the casting database of the Markusfilm studio, I got the opportunity to film and become the main face of the Slovakian Tik Tok channel of the accounting firm UOL."

Dáša, 22

"I got the opportunity to film and photograph products for an e-shop with gift items. I can recommend registration."

Dana, 65

,,Thanks to the casting company Markusfilm, I got the opportunity to play in a music video for the band New electric animals. It was fun, a great experience. :)"

Lucie 35

,,I was filming an advertising and video on YouTube. Both collaborations were a good experience. :)"

Veronika, 39

,,I love make up styling , I have done several courses, and the makeup of the actresses has always been my dream. After signing up for the Markusfilm database, I got several orders. The most interesting collaboration was in making Zorka and Mike Hejdovi on making ads. Super cooperation!"

Věra, 27

,,Thanks to the casting database I could play in three commercials. When I was shooting a spot on the Futurocube toy, I met new friends, enjoyed enough fun and earned some money for Christmas presents. :)"

Patrik, 17 let

,,Thanks to the casting database, I was able to play in several videos and commercials in Markusfilm's production. The most interesting was probably filming the shot film with YouTuber Hoggy. His video has over 300,000 views. I look forward to other projects! :)"

David, 42

Casting database

Looking for actors, models, hostesses or children for commercials, clips, films, photography, theater or events? You can find them here easily and quickly!

✔️ thousands of registered, wide selection of ethnicities, ages and skills
✔️ easy search by 15 filters
✔️ suitable for photographers, video productions, advertising or event agencies
✔️ possibility of arranging an online casting with recording a scene according to your requirements or casting in our studios
✔️ help with contract preparation

Are you interested in casting? Contact us, we look forward to working with you.

+420 736 427 252 VIEW CASTING DATABASE

Herec / Herečka

Působím jako herec v divadle Stay Si, mám zkušenosti s Epi rolí, včetn...

Poslední přihlášení: 2022-11-24 15:17:41

Herec / Herečka Model / Modelka Hosteska

Jsem temperamentní a excentrická dívka se sexapelem, řekla bych, že př...

Poslední přihlášení: 2023-01-14 22:54:14

Herec / Herečka Model / Modelka

Fitness trenér, spousta zkušenosti s natáčením filmu, seriálů a reklam...

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hrat Maskér / Maskérka

Profesionální klaun, akrobat, žonglér.

Poslední přihlášení: 2023-03-01 18:57:26

hrat Model / Modelka Hosteska Tanečník / Tanečnice Influencer / Influencerka

Studuji na konzervatoři obor muzikálové herectví, ráda zpívám a tančím...

Poslední přihlášení: 2024-04-23 13:43:49

Maskér / Maskérka

Jsem flexibilní, otevřená a rychle se učím. Hrála jsem v divadelní h...

Poslední přihlášení: 2023-11-30 07:42:25

Herec / Herečka

Venuji se baletu, chodim do divadelniho krouzku, rada beham a jezdim n...

Poslední přihlášení: 2024-01-10 09:08:38

hrat Zpěvák / Zpěvačka

Jsem zpěvačka a herečka “na volné noze” a zároveň na půl úvazek zaměst...

Poslední přihlášení: 2024-01-21 17:58:16

hrat Influencer / Influencerka

Ahoj! Som bývalý hokejista a aktuálne profesionálny kulturista , osobn...

Poslední přihlášení: 2024-01-22 17:00:48

hrat Model / Modelka Tanečník / Tanečnice Zpěvák / Zpěvačka Influencer / Influencerka

Dovednosti: tanec (moderní tanec/contemporary), zpěv, sporty (volejbal...

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hrat Model / Modelka Influencer / Influencerka

Pocházím z multikulturního prostředí, což mě doprovází celý život a po...

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