What is explainer video?

What is explainer video?

How long does it take to create and what is it suitable for?

You will learn all this in this article! :)

A few years ago, foreign companies began incorporating explainer videos into their marketing campaigns, and people saw them on social media or Youtube - and shared them. Website traffic and conversions increased, turnover increased, and videos began to spread among customers at the speed of light.

So what is an explainer video?

Explainer video is a short video (1-2 minutes) introducing existing and potential customers to a new product or the operation of a specific product.

The video answers key questions:

  • What problem is the product solving,
  • Why would the viewer want to start using it.

Explainer videos are shorter and are arranged in way that viewers can clearly understand the value of the product.

Here is an example of how an explainer video usually proceeds:

  1. Pain point - "This is a problem."
  2. Introducing the solution - "What if this problem could be solved?"
  3. Product discovery as a solution - "our product will fix everything!"

You can also see this structure in our animated video for the Dryout system.

Demonstration of the problem of many households - damp, subsequent simple discovery of how to solve the problem and then the final introduction of the Dryout dehumidification system with a demonstration of how simple and efficient the service works.

How long does it take to explain a video and how much does it cost?

You can have the video ready with us within 2 weeks! This is the procedure:


Our process begins with gathering all the information from the client. Before starting any project, we will conduct a survey to better understand the required product or service.


After thorough research and brainstorming, we will create a unique script that perfectly suits your business requirements.


We will choose the best voice for your animated video and together with a team of animators we will ensure that your video stands out above the others thanks to excellent visual and movement properties


Our process ends successfully once you are satisfied with your new explainer video that is ready to be shared. We'll also be happy to help you optimize your video on YouTube so that your video receives a lot of views. Learn more about this topic in our article How to Make a Successful Video on YouTube.

The price ranges from 14,000 CZK and includes complete tailor-made services. You will find more in our price list.

>>> Need to shoot an explainer video? Contact us! <<<

Do you think the explainer video has to be just an animation? Not at all! Feel free to explain the benefits through a feature video product.

Here, for example, we shot a video tutorial for ALBI for the game Gloomhaven, which supported their sales.

Read more:

How much does it cost to shoot an ad?

Video Production - 5 Things That Quality Video Production Should Meet

How to Create an Ad That Sells? 5 Principles That Work

YouTubers in Advertising, How to Choose the Right One?

How to make animation? From design to finished video

How will a product video increase sales?

What is a good video for?
Did you know that...

..will a video with up to 50x more chance to appear on the 1st page of Google search?

... about 20% of people read the text on the web, but the same content in the video reaches up to 80% of visitors?

... thanks to the video, the chances of people buying or ordering your services from you will also increase, by up to 65%?

Video is a powerful marketing tool! Do you want to help him?

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