What would Hitler say about COVID? The famous parody scene was filmed

What would Hitler say about COVID? The famous parody scene was filmed

After hundreds of parodies of the famous scene from The Fall of the Third Reich, where Adolf Hitler sits in a bunker with generals and awaits the end of the war. This iconic passage has finally received a filmed parody of the current coronavirus pandemic.

It mirrors current issues around the pandemic, government action, but also concerns about the vaccination.

"Our goal was to create a faithful parody of this scene and transfer it to the current situation."

The scene highlights current issues and concerns about the coronavirus pandemic.

We wanted to not only entertain people, but also draw attention to the power of misinformations that arises around vaccinations, "says Marek Dvořák about the video, director and actor of Adolf Hitler.

Do you want to star in a movie? Register to the filming here!

The video raises questions such as:

- What would Adolf Hitler say about the countries' attitude towards the coronavirus pandemic and their indiscipline?

- Would he get vaccinated?

- And last but not least, the most important: how would he use the whole situation for himself as his advantage?

"I wanted to film a coronavirus version of this scene for a long time, the idea of ​​filming came in recent months. We had realistic costumes borrowed from Barrandov and from friends, and we also underlined the authenticity with German language" says Dvořák.

"With the video, we want to draw attention to the many absurd situations that we have all witnessed, but also to the fact that it is not appropriate to downplay the current serious situation."

The accuracy of the parody and its model is also interesting, judge for yourself according to the photos. :)

The first photo is always the original and the second the parody

The original scene is here:

The parody is here:

Do you want to star in a movie? Register here!

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