How to succeed on the casting?

How to succeed on the casting?

You can always help a better luck, and it applies to casting as well.

We have already organized dozens of castings for our clients and some of us tried to go for some as candidates.

So, here we are, giving you 5 best tips on how to succeed the best on casting for an advertisement of a movie.


1. Find out the absolute maximum of information before the casting itself

The agency just called you to invite you for the casting and offers you several different dates. Once you agree the exact date and time, don`t hung up straight away. Try to ask some more further information. What would be my role? Should I wear something specific? Should I train some special theme?

Or you can be even more straight: How can I prepare myself the best to get that role? If the agency is at least a little bit friendly, they might give you at least some hint. You will get to the casting far better prepared and it will make your chances more possible.

2. Prepare your own presentation

On the vast majority of castings, you will have to present yourself. Nothing complicated, just couple of sentences about yourself. Try this “Hello, my name is Petra, I am 25 years old and I already have some experience with acting in ads and short movies. I am playing tennis since I was a little girl and I also like riding horses.”

It is a pity when people start to panic by the first question, hums and haws. Just give yourself 20 minutes at home in front of the mirror and train it. If you can act some way, don`t hesitate to sell it straight in the presentation.

On one casting for Nike, everybody was saying the love going to the gym, and then one guy just said he is running for ten years and knows how to place his feet correctly. Who do you think won the contract for $ 10 000?


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3. Be on time

It may sound ridiculous, but it happens often that people arrive to the casting in the last moment. This way, they lose a chance to get some information from those, who have been on the casting just before them, chat with others, calm down and get ready for the presentation. Don`t underestimate coming on time. It is still better to be able to get some coffee or read some e-mails than suffer from stress.


4. Don`t be afraid to be embarrassed

During the casting, you nearly can’t reach an embarrassment. You are not on a work interview but being chosen for a role, so just throw away your shyness. What actually is embarrassing, is when the director asks you to do something and you don`t say a word or stay unmoved. Then it`s clear they won’t choose you. When you are on a casting for a shower gel and they ask you to sing like in a shower, then just sing however terribly and pretend you are soaping yourself. Don’t think what the others would think about you, just take everything with some fun and hyperbole. Those, who usually win, are the most natural and are not afraid to jump into action by their head.


5. Don`t be afraid to ask

If you didn`t understand what the director meant, just ask again or ask for an explanation. It is better to ask one stupid question than to act the way you didn`t understand or to be really bad at what you try to perform in front of the camera. They will all forget you ask one question, but the bad acting would be recorded for ever and decide about your future acting career.


We are wishing you the best of luck!


The Markusfilm Team


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